What is the SEA Gas & Power Service?
Wood Mackenzie’s SEA Gas & Power Service provides country and regional supply, demand and pricing analysis across 6 countries.
What does the SEA Gas & Power Service cover?
This service includes a comprehensive overview of our country-by-country supply-demand gas and power balances, a regional outlook and gives access to key data on pricing, plant generation and capacity at a project level.
What type of information is available in the SEA Gas & Power Service?
Strategic planning outlook: fundamental market forecast through 2050
Investment horizon outlook: market analysis focused on next 10 years, with data through 2050.
Power plant list: A list of power plants and merit order curves for Southeast Asia, covering about 242 GW of conventional power plant capacity at a project level.
Country reports: Long-term fundamental market forecast at sub-national levels, covering gas, LNG and power.
Insights: In-depth reports focused on current themes that are relevant to the gas market.
What are the deliverables of the SEA Gas & Power Service?
Regional and country level summary reports providing data and commentary on the supply, demand and pricing on the landscape and challenges facing the SEA gas & power markets.
Power plant list is a list of conventional power plants and merit order curves based on short-run marginal cost estimates for both conventional and renewable technologies for select years from 2021 to 2050 in Southeast Asia.
Informs and Insights
How often is the content updated?
Strategic planning outlook - Annually in Q1
Investment horizon outlook - Annually in Q4
Power Plant List - Annually
Country Report - Annually
Insights - Ad Hoc
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