What is the Coal Supply Service?
Wood Mackenzie’s Coal Supply Service provides detailed metallurgical and thermal regional and country analysis of operating and project mines. Detailed asset analysis provides life of mine costings, production, reserves and values allowing customer to screen for investment opportunities and benchmark assets based on cost and operating margins.
What does the Coal Supply Service cover?
A deeper understanding of the supply drivers, detailed data and analysis on the costs of production and product prices for metallurgical and thermal coal mines
What type of information is available in the Coal Supply Service?
Coal supply costs, quality, reserves, production and cash flows at mine level
Insights: In-depth reports focused on current themes that are relevant to the coal market.
What are the deliverables of the Coal Supply Service?
Individual asset reports with detailed analysis and data for reserves, production and costs
Global and country level summary reports providing data and commentary on the cost landscape and challenges facing each industry
Spotfire tool providing the ability to screen and filter for cost and production data
Asset, company and country level cost curves for iron ore and steel, and by product type for coal
Informs and Insights
How often is the content updated?
Mine (Asset) reports – Annually
Cost Data – Quarterly (March, June, Sept, Dec)
Insights - Ad Hoc
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