What is the Bulks Market Service
For decisions relating to any aspect of the global mining industry, our Market Services are unmatched in their analysis. With insight into the global commodity supply chain and major markets, our Market Services enable users to understand the more accurately nuances of the industry and anticipate developments
What does the Bulks Market cover?
Iron Ore
Metallurgical Coal
Thermal Coal
What types of information are available in the Bulks Market Service?
Comprehensive coverage of forecast demand, long-term supply, price, and the overall outlook for the bulks market underpinned by Client Excel datasheets of the underlying data.
What are the deliverables of the Bulks Market Service?
Iron Ore and Steel
4 detailed long-term outlook reports out to 2050 built on proprietary models, of which:
2 bi-annual Strategic Planning Outlooks covering long-term demand, supply, balances, and annual price forecasts out to 2050
2 bi-annual Investment Horizon Outlooks covering long-term demand, supply, balances and annual price forecasts out to 2050
12 monthly short-term outlooks including quarterly estimates of supply, demand and prices over the next two years
Thermal and Metallurgical Coal
2 detailed long-term outlook reports out to 2050 built on proprietary models, of which:
1 Strategic Planning Outlooks covering long-term demand, supply, balances, and annual price forecasts out to 2050
1 Investment Horizon Outlooks covering long-term demand, supply, balances and annual price forecasts out to 2050
12 monthly short-term outlooks including quarterly estimates of supply, demand and prices over the next two years
Spotfire tool – online database that provides information and analytics on the entire value chain
Iron Ore Markets Tool
Steel Markets Tool
Global Coal Markets Tool
Topical Insights