Lens Hydrogen allows you to explore costs across green and blue hydrogen projects. You can adjust input assumptions for four electrolyser types, both ATR and SMR processes and globally out to 2050. The LCOH can be compared at the country level and at state level in the US. All in all, over 700,000 permutations are available through editing of the inputs in Lens.
Select and region and swtich to LCOX workflow
Filter regionally using either the search bar to select a country or within the filter drawer to select super regions, countries, regions, or states.
Switch to the LCOX workflow to view charts visualising the LCOH comparisons by country or technology.
Adjust chart settings to change input assumptions
Click on the gear icon in the upper left to change the input assumptions. Here you can select between different technologies, electricity costs, load factors, and nameplate capacities. Choose between the following technologies:
Charts will update based on your selected input assumptions. You can select any mix of related inputs. If you select an electrolyser technology type you may also select the electricity feedstock which is directly driving the electricity costs. Selecting a resource type will leverage Wood Mackenzie's power capture price by market for the annual forecasts. PPA prices will hold the $/MWh price constant.
View the details behind the $/kg cost
The total LCOH is built up with the following individual cost components which change based on the input assumptions:
Balance of plant ($/kg)
Balance of stack ($/kg)
EPC ($/kg)
Other capital ($/kg)
Feedstock cost ($/kg)
Other O&M ($/kg)
Tax credit ($/kg)
Financing ($/kg)
Electricity cost ($/MWh)
View all of these individual cost components annual values by either left-clicking on the chart line or switching to table view.
Does it include the grid charges? When considering any of the renewables as the feedstock, we remove interconnection cost from the LCOE figures put together by our P&R teams, as we assume that the electrolyser is directly connected to the renewables. When the electrolyser is grid-connected, we include grid charges.