Hydrogen supply forecasts are a key output from Wood Mackenzie's long term outlooks. Quickly access the supply forecasts and adjust the data visualizations to fit your needs through the Supply workflow in Lens Hydrogen & Ammonia.
Apply Filters to Select region
Use the search bar or the filter drawer to filter down to an area of interest. The search bar is used to select countries but the location filters are expanded in the filter drawer.
Here's an example of how to filter if you are only interested in seeing supply forecasts for Germany:
While viewing supply for all of western Europe would require selection through the Add Filter button:
Visualise supply trends
After applying filters switch to the Supply workflow section on the left hand side. After selecting Supply all charts and the map will adjust to show supply. Select which forecast to visualise from the dropdown, these foecasts align with the published long term reports.
As you can see from the above there is an annual supply chart as well as a map showing annual production for a single year. The year displayed on the map can be selected by editing the layer settings in the bottom right of the map view.
Scroll down in the data view to see forecasted electrolyser installation capacity.
Adjust the data or export
The hydrogen supply chart can be adjusted to show annual production capacity by either hydrogen color or country. All charts can be exported as high resolution image files or you can export the data behind the chart.
Adjust the chart details by clicking the cog icon in the upper left hand corner of the chart. If you switch to table view the export options switch to Excel or CSV format files.