Jan 2025
π Short-term LNG output and maintenance tracker
Keep on top of planned LNG plant maintenance and any unplanned downtime to assess volumes that are off the market. Data is presented monthly, with a three-year outlook.
ποΈ Constrained and unconstrained LNG supply
View constrained and unconstrained supply by liquefaction status, region, country or project.
Dec 2024
π² Cost Stacks - Multiple Regas and Supply Projects
Benchmark the cost of delivering LNG from multiple supply projects to a single Regas terminal or benchmark the cost of delivering LNG from a single LNG Plant to multiple Regas terminals globally. View the breakdown of FOB (free on board), transportation and regas tariff.
Nov 2024
π² LNG Plant Valuations and Cashflows: Value projects easily
Search for LNG Plants and select 'LNG Plant Valuations' to generate cashflows and download the Excel model (calc file) to work offline.
π Contracts: Gather useful trends ahead of LNG Contract negotiations
Assess binding and non-binding contract types alongside other negotiable terms such as source and destination flexibility over time and by contract volume. Useful trends around oil-indexation levels aid with contract negotiations.
πMap: Visualize assets from Gas & LNG, Upstream, Hydrogen, CCUS, Power on a single map view
Add layers across multiple Lens modules (subject to subscription) to identify synergies and market opportunities.
Oct 2024
π’ Shipping: Track fleet development by capacity split by owners, propulsion, status and type.
π’ Shipping: Analyze fleet orders by owner, charter company based on current status, capacity group, ship type and propulsion
π’ Shipping: Access shipping cost from supply to import ports for various ship sizes and propulsion types
Sep 2024
π Regas: Rank annual regas tariffs and entry costs by cost type
The regas tariffs represent the cost to access regas capacity under a long-term booking at the specified LNG regas terminal. The network entry cost is an additional fee at some facilities for gas to enter the local pipeline network.
π Contracts: Identify opportunities and run competitor analysis by displaying contracted LNG volumes over time and by key metrics
July 2024
πβπ¨ Tool Tip: Learn more about the charts and data included via helpful tool tips. Click the information icon to view the pop-up.
πMarket Forecast: Liquefaction Capacity and Output by train and Gas into LNG by liquefaction status
The Asset Analysis > Production view now presents train-level output and capacity as well as feed gas into LNG plants by field supply area and company.
π² Breakeven Cost of Supply: Visualize breakeven cost of LNG supply by project
Users can now benchmark the breakeven cost of LNG supply and visually position projects of interest on the curve to identify projects that are cheaper and more expensive than the ones of interest.
Download LRMC / Breakeven summary of LNG Plants and include relevant detail such as plant status and FID year.
June 2024
ποΈLens Direct: LNG Plant FOB Breakevens, Feedgas details and Contracted LNG Demand data are now in Lens Direct
LNG Plant Costs: FOB Breakevens
Unlevered FOB breakeven price (including upstream, transport and liquefaction) for each phase of all operational and under-construction LNG plants as well as select pre-FID projects at 10%, 12% and 15% discount rates.
Feed gas into LNG
Feed gas into LNG projects by project name, plant name, plant status, country, region, shipping basin, partners, and more.
Contracted LNG Demand and uncontracted LNG Supply
π²Modeling: New adjustment entry customizations
Users can now adjust market model variables by an absolute value or set a value over a period of time.
πMarket Forecast: Regional gas outlooks
View a description of a regional Gas & LNG outlook in Lens and link to report archives in the WoodMac portal.
πMarket Forecast: Additional market production forecast attributes
Group production forecasts by development status, resource type, onshore/offshore, conventional/unconventional, associated/non-associated, basin, in addition to super region, region, and country.
May 2024
π²Modeling: Carbon tax adjustments for European imports
Users can now add an adjustment to implement a carbon tax on European LNG imports for the set costs of $100/t or $200/t. These additional taxes are added onto the cost of LNG shipping in the model inputs. Costs were derived by the research team based on the carbon intensity of loaded LNG at export facilities which are imported by European regas facilities.
πMarket Forecast: Strategic Planning Outlook (April 2024) is live
πMap: Select assets from the map to add to or exclude from filters
Our new map selection capabilities allow users to focus on proximal assets and infrastructure relevant to their workflows. Rectangle and Polygon selection tools have been added to the map controls to allow you to select multiple assets to add them to or exclude them from your filtered data. Click here to access the full guide.
Filter on an LNG asset to view a brief description and navigate to associated report archives in the WoodMac portal.
April 2024
ποΈLens Direct: Contract Pricing Assumptions and volumes are now available within Lens Direct
Keep on top of LNG contract assumptions within Lens Direct to identify opportunities. Buyers, sellers, contract start and end dates, duration, source, destination, pricing structure, indexation, source and destination flexibility are included for comprehensive analysis.
πWritten Content: Access written content directly from Lens Gas & LNG
Long-term outlooks are now included via a link within Lens Gas & LNG to support the understanding of key assumptions, drivers and analysis underpinning our base case view. Click 'Read Full Report' to access the written content.
π² Cost Curves: Visualize cost of gas delivered to a location
See the quantity and price of gas delivered into demand regions, and how that supply builds up to the regional price. View the difference between cost curves over time (click the settings icon to adjust the year) and after modelling adjustments have been made.
March 2024
πModeling: Demand response as a result of modifying modeling assumptions can now be assessed visually and quantitatively
February 2024
πModeling: China Gas Demand
China Gas demand is now added as a lever. Increase or decrease China gas demand by a percentage to understand the impact on prices and trade flows.
December 2023
πMarket Forecast: Net zero scenario (December 2023) is now available
Net zero scenario data has been added to the Market Forecast dataset.
Users can explore the net zero outlook by region, market and sector and compare gas and LNG flows and prices against our current and previous base cases through the Lens user interface.
November 2023
π’Assets and Contracts Data: View and download LNG Plant, Regasification Terminal, Upstream gas field and Contracts summary tables
From the left-hand panel of the One Lens interface, click Assets and then the settings icon (cogwheel) against the data table to select the required dataset. The dropdown option provides LNG Plant, Regas Terminal, Upstream field and LNG Contracts summary tables.
πMarket forecast: Compare multiple outlooks
You are now able to compare multiple outlooks from Demand, Supply, Trade, and Prices dashboards.
In each dashboard, you can choose the datasets from "Forecast" and "Compared to:" menu.
Once selected, the result will be shown.
You can choose to show either Absolute value and Delta between two outlooks from the "Settings" button.
October 2023
π²Modelling: Adjusting start-up years for liquefaction projects
In addition to adjusting the capacity, short-run, and long-run marginal costs of liquefaction projects, you can now move the expected start-year forward and backward in time.
While in Gas & LNG Modelling, click to add an adjustment, then select liquefaction. Use the FID-Status filter to see all pre-FID projects. Select an individual project or aggregate projects with the additional filters. Choose the PushBack attribute type to delay projects and enter the duration to delay. Alternatively, choose the PullForward attribute to move projects ahead of schedule. See the change in liquection capacity in the preview chart.
This adjustment will change the start-up year for a project, but whether or not the project will be utilized that year is determined via the scheduling phase of the model execution.
September 2023
π²Modelling: Adjusting liquefaction assumptions down to the plant-level
The new liquefaction lever allows you to adjust costs and capacities for liquefaction projects. You can edit aggregate values or filter down to specific plants and expansions. Short-run marginal costs impact both existing and pre-fid projects, while long-run marginal costs impact only pre-fid projects. Liquefaction capacities can be edited by a percentage, and visualized via the preview chart. Run the model to view the impact on prices and flows.
August 2023
βUnit change setting and data tables
You can change units via the settings (cogwheel) icon against each chart. Choose units from mcm, bcm, mmf, bcf, mmcfd, and bcfd. Mmtpa will be included in due course.
Switch to the table view to access data underpinning the charts and click the export icon (top right) to download data or charts.
May 2023
πHistorical market outlook scenarios
Select between market outlook scenarios to display supply, demand, trade flows and prices from the current and previous market outlooks using the drop-down at the top of the analysis panel.
π²πAdjust Henry Hub Pricing in the model mode
The cost of US gas supply can now be adjusted in the model by modifying the Henry Hub price, a crucial source of LNG to the global market.
The model outputs will reflect the impact of these changes to the delivered gas prices at global demand regions and changes to regional gas flows.
March 2023
ποΈπ’ Identify LNG import opportunities with Regas Terminal locations on the map
Find current and proposed LNG regas facilities on the Lens map, to understand import routes for supplying LNG to regional markets. Clicking on a regas terminal provides information on the site: Terminal name, Country, Shipping basin, Port name, Status, Startup date and Partners.
February 2023
π²π Detailed regional historic and forecast gas prices
You can now view regional historical (actual) prices from Argus Media and regional forecast prices from Wood Mackenzie via the Prices tab. The dataset exists in a data table at the bottom of the prices section.
This includes over 50 regional price markers including most major traded markers.
π Understand the geographical nuances of North American gas supply dynamics with play and sub-play level data
Interrogate individual plays and sub-plays that comprise of North American gas supply via the Play level location filters in the filter tray.
The play / sub play chart dropdown available within the Supply section allows users to choose the granularity of data they wish to understand.