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What's new in Lens Upstream?
What's new in Lens Upstream?

Updates and enhancements to Lens Upstream

Nicholas Williams avatar
Written by Nicholas Williams
Updated over 2 months ago

November 2024

🖊 Edit a asset

Within Lens Upstream Valuations, you can now edit an asset and change the production and costs to explore different development scenarios and assess the impact on the valuation.

Filter to a single asset and then navigate to the Upstream Valuation tab, where you will find an Edit Asset button at the top of the page.

A data grid will appear, allowing you to adjust annual values for liquid and gas production, tariffs, sunk costs, abandonment costs and more.

Lean more about asset editing in this article

May 2024

💡 New fiscal benchmarking enhancements

There is now the option to change the tax marker category from the default to another water depth marker (onshore, shelf, deep water and ultra-deep water terms) so you can choose a more appropriate marker for the regimes you are running

In addition you can now run up to 20 regimes allowing you to benchmark more regimes in one go, we've added LNG projects as part of the workflow and there is also the option to switch on the breakeven calculation.

December 2023

📣Fiscal benchmarking

You can now perform fiscal benchmarking in Lens by valuing an asset using any fiscal regime so that you can easily compare the post-tax economics across various countries. For investors, this helps identify countries that have the most attractive fiscal terms for investment. Resource holders can now understand how their fiscal terms compare with those of other countries.

Lean more about fiscal benchmarking in this article.

November 2023

💡Success rate and E&A well drilling trends - new charts

We have added two new charts to the Summary workflow section.

Success rate chart

The chart shows you clearly how successful exploration has been in the filtered area in terms of technical success (number of discoveries made divided by the number of exploration wells drilled), and commercial success (number of commercial discoveries divided by the number of exploration wells drilled).

This lets you compare overall exploration success for different regions.

E&A well drilling trends

This chart lets you assess overall levels of exploration and appraisal activity globally or within the filtered area or for a filtered company's activity and to see how levels of activity have changed over time.

October 2023

💡Asset report link and introductory description

Want to understand the context behind the data? When we're looking at a single field, we can now see an abstract from its asset report. The abstract aims to give a quick description of the field or project its part of.

For subscribers of Upstream Service (regional entitlement applies), there's also a link that will take you directly to the asset report, providing full context and detailed analysis of the fields you are looking at.

September 2023

💡New well-level data in Lens Direct

Take a more granular look at development wells, through our newly released and integrated data in two new Lens Direct tables: field_eur_per_well_summary and field_future_dev_well_count.

The field_eur_per_well_summary table allows us to understand what is driving current and future production profiles by comparing the Expected Ultimate Recovery rate (EUR) for wells at deepwater fields.

Also for deepwater fields, analyse our outlook for development wells in the field_future_dev_well_count table. This will provide a forecast of new wells which we expect to be drilled over the next five years (current year +4) plus associated descriptive columns.

These are in addition to monthly historic production per well for US Gulf of Mexico, and Brazil, offshore fields, which were added to Lens Direct earlier in 2023.

Note: this data is held in Lens Direct, and requires a subscription to access.

December 2022

💡 Share a custom price deck

You can now share a custom price deck with colleagues in your organisation. This reduces duplication of effort and mistakes as a price deck only needs to be created once. Check out how to share your custom price deck here.

👥 Collective editing of shared views

You can also now grant editing rights for the views you share with the colleagues. They will be able to make changes to the shared view which is reflected to all. Owners of views can change access levels to recipients via manage access.

November 2022

💰 Price editing has become more flexible

We made a number of improvements to our price editing interface and now you can:

  • View the price stream in the user interface

  • Update Brent and see all the other prices update when you hit the Update button

  • See the price formulas and their relationship to Brent without the need to download the calculation file

  • As well as Brent, WTI, Henry Hub and NBP, there are 30 new additional prices that you can edit

  • View and edit the inflation rate, as well as the capex and opex escalators

  • View the exchange rates (you will soon be able to edit these too)

  • Paste values from Excel and Word straight into the grid

View more details here.

September 2022

📣 Portfolio sharing is now live

Any portfolio you have created in Lens can now be shared with users within your organisation. They will have read only access and once shared, an email notification will be sent to the recipient. There is also the option to look at all portfolios or just those that have been shared with you.

Learn more about sharing options in this article.

May 2022

🤝 You can now share views with your colleagues

Any view you have created in Lens now has an option to share with users within your organisation. They will have read only access. You can also filter out views that others have shared with you.

How is this different from sharing a bookmarked URL?

You can see all your views in one place within Spaces in Lens and any changes you make to the view will be immediately visible to the shared users as well. As owners of views, you can manage access to your views - adding or removing colleagues as you need to in the future.

Find out more here.

April 2022

🗺️ New powerful mapping functionality

Our latest update to the map in Lens gives you the flexibility you need to analyse and visualise data across energy sectors.

  • Change the colour: make map layers and charts look the way you want

  • Improved filtering: reduce clutter on the map and only show assets relevant to you. Reorder layers or change their opacity to create a clean map for presentations.

  • Flexible visualisation options: show layers as polygons, bubbles, pie cluster or heatmap. Choose if you want to colour them by commerciality, water depth or another attribute. Scale bubbles and pie cluster by metrics like production or emissions.

  • View power plants on the same map: if you subscribe to Lens Power, then you can now view the location of thousands of power plants on the same map as upstream assets.

  • Prospects and leads: Lens Subsurface subscribers can toggle on our new prospects and leads map layer.

Learn more about the new features and view examples here.

February 2022

📥 Multi-company consolidated report

You can now export multiple company valuation data into a single Excel workbook so you can easily benchmark metrics and annual cashflow data offline on a regime and asset basis. This is already available for single company valuations and can be found under the export icon.

January 2022

📝 New asset change timeline

Easily keep track of an asset’s key modelling changes over time. This is particularly useful if you're following certain group of assets closely and you may be comparing their previous values with the most recent ones seen in Lens. Learn more

📈 New emissions intensity chart

Add and remove assets to your portfolio and see the impact on the annual emission intensity profile over time, and then compare this to your original portfolio in the comparison dashboard. In the single portfolio dashboard, we show emissions intensity for all fields (just switch to the table view).

🌆 Enhanced multi-company dashboard

The multi-company dashboard has just got bigger with the following being added in Q4:

  • Top company fields by value/resources chart

  • Field summary table

  • Regime summary table

  • Regime value breakdown table

  • Standard and Entitlement cash flow table

November 2021

🧾 New group-by function lets you easily aggregate data

​You decide how granular you want to go. The group-by functionality can be applied to any data table in Lens:

  • show annual production at the country level, split by the liquid-gas dimension;

  • compare remaining field capex by company by development status;

  • analyse block reserves by basin by company by license phase and by shore status.

All summable metrics will be automatically aggregated. Columns that cannot be summed (like date columns or ratios) will be dropped from the view. Download the grouped data straight from Lens to spend less time fiddling with pivot tables in Excel.

October 2021

💰 Multiple company valuations

Value multiple companies using your own valuation settings to benchmark and compare results across value, volume and performance metrics, up to 2000 company assets (this will be increased over the coming months).

Use it to:

  • Benchmark competitor portfolios and performance

  • Value a group of companies under your own price and economic assumptions

  • Analyse and evaluate potential corporate acquisition targets


September 2021

⭐ New basemap: Bathymetry

A brand new basemap is available in Discovery, showing ocean bathymetry and land elevation to help users understand development challenges in an area of interest. Download it for visually engaging maps in reports and presentations.

We're really pleased with the resulting map and it's been a long and hard journey to get it right. There were multiple iterations on finding the best design, and many more to optimise the technical aspects for hosting a high-resolution tileset.

August 2021

🗺️ Offshore platform location data is now available as a standard map layer

and geospatial download for Lens Discovery

Improve your screening and benchmarking workflow with expanded offshore

infrastructure location datasets, visualisations, and functionality.

Key Features include:

  • View detailed map locations of notable offshore platforms in Lens Discovery

  • Added platform icon and "tooltip" with platform summary information

  • Access to 35,000 offshore infrastructure records and attributes through Lens

  • Direct for use in GIS applications

📏 Improve productivity of Infrastructure-led exploration (ILX) workflows with

Lens Discovery’s distance measure tool

This latest enhancement helps users understand the distance between critical

infrastructure and improve field exploration vs. development opportunity analysis.

Key Benefit: Users can combine pipeline capacity information with the distance

measurement tool to help answer the following:

  • How far is this platform from the shore?

  • How far is this field from the nearest platform?

  • Is it cheaper to explore and develop fields close to an existing infrastructure

    than to build anew?

💰🔍 Refine field and asset screening with CAPEX, OPEX, and NPV value and

economics filters in Lens Discovery

Lens Discovery users can now screen for fields and find assets according to their

value and cost metrics modeled by Wood Mackenzie base scenarios.

Key Benefits:

  • Find assets with room for efficiency improvements by screening by OPEX per BOE

  • Benchmark assets based on their remaining value

  • Compare fields based on their capital expenditure per BOE

💬 Tool tips for filters

Users now can read more about the filters and their descriptions directly from the filter panel. Use the tooltips at the heading of each filter to read more about it without having to leave the screen.

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