We have modelled additional company offsets, relating to additional offsets against tax within the UK regime. These offsets often relate to acquired tax losses that are not reflected in our asset- or company-level base models.
The attached Excel provides access to all modelled offsets within the UK regime. These offsets can be added to the company regime calc file, found when you have run a company valuation within Lens.
Download the company regime calc file and then open the attached file - the data can then be cut and pasted into the Company Offsets tab within the calc file.
You can audit the impact of the included tax losses within columns AP and BI of the Company Tax Calc sheet.
Download the regime calc file by clicking "Regime" within the Export options.
Paste the data for the company by opening the attached Excel file. Paste the data into the Company Offsets tab starting in Row 8 (cell A8).